This is a call out to all ex-members of THI and ex-followers of Thomas Williams.
We all need to actively report Lucid Dreamers YouTube Channel & Thomas Williams own YouTube channel.
If you hear anything which you find offensive or dangerous in the least during any of his podcasts then please report the channel to YouTube.
This could result in the channels being closed down.
A bit like how Thomas & his closest followers got Team Bubba kicked off twitter.
Except that we didn't do anything wrong.
I will make a prediction that WHEN Thomas and his podcasts get kicked off YouTube for violations of their terms and conditions, Thomas will say that the cabal/deep state got him closed down.
We will rubbish this claim right here and now....
@David I thought Paul was in New York and not Illinois. Man, it ain't easy keeping up with all these characters is it? lol
Which do you think will occur first: 1. YOUTUBE shuts down the fraud, racist, sovereign citizen, cyber bank robber crime group using the LUCID DREAMER channel.......OR.... 2. USA DOJ indicts the criminals using the name MANNA WORLD HOLDING TRUST...
Kimberly Ann Goguen (aka: Kim Goguen, Kim Possible) — (Arizona, Colorado, Michigan) Sanford Ellis — (Maryland) Raul de la Hoya — (California) Karilyn Youngman — (Florida) Blair West (fugitive from charges in Liberia) — (New York) Xan Carvan — (Alabama) Steve Mitcham — (Georgia) Thomas Williams — (Florida, Colorado) Thomas Melville — (New York) Steffen Rowe (aka: Tank) — (New York) Dan Lutz — (Philippines) Tui — (Fiji) Paul Shelton (aka: Paul Yokoyama) –(Illinois)
Oh, but did you not know, Bubba, those who do not agree and ask questions are being Deep State and Cabal shills. And are in fact (according to the spin doctors) working for the DS and C, even if they are unaware of it. Projection is a funny thing. And I am referring to actual "projection" and not the myriad of spun definitions in pop and alt communities, including Tommy. Here is an excellent short clip on how the terms Shadow and projection are intended to be used for those who would like to know.