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THI BUBBA. The first and original spin off THI member group. We are now on FACEBOOK

Larry Large

Updated: Oct 19, 2019

It's been a while since I last posted, but I'm back with some interesting information.

So, if we have all been paying attention, we have yet again seen Techo show his hand in the way he dealt with poor Lacy. As we have stated many times before, we have seen this over and over again. Anyone who threatens his position or dares question him, gets this treatment.

What was it all about? He felt Lacy was gaining too much power holding admin roles in THI spin off groups, that’s what it was really about, and why she had to be completely removed from THI. The same repeat patterns played out once he had Lacy in his crosshairs. He clicked his fingers and triggered his cult, Lacy went from being one of the most popular members of THI, to public enemy number 1 instantly. He has his cult so programmed that he has the ability to get even friends of Lacy to stab her in the back.

As we Team Bubba are the first and original spin off THI member group, we thought its only right that we set up our own Facebook THI BUBBA group. We encourage all THI members (including those who believe and support Techo) and also ex members to come and join us to debate the real truth about THI, Techo and the MWHT.

However, we strongly urge people who do want to come and join us, to join with an anon account. Simply create a new anon email and use that to create an anon FB account, takes only 10 minutes. Doing this will remove all power from Techo and his cult. If you remain anonymous, then incidents like the one with Lacy can’t happen, you will also feel more comfortable sharing your true feelings and thoughts.

FB THI has 3,500 members. A massive majority of those actually don’t support or trust Techo. Only around 300 of them support and believe him. That’s an awful lot of members who have seen through him and no longer bother interacting or have left the group completely.

We have had contact with many current members and former members of THI. We know 100% MWHT is fictional by simply putting all the pieces of the puzzle together which we have gathered from people who have contacted us, along with our own experiences and investigations. A lot of information we have gained we can’t make public as it would reveal the identity of the person who supplied us the info. If you do approach us with Information and wish it to stay confidential, we will always respect those wishes, always!

If you would like to come and join THI BUBBA on Facebook, even if its just to observe the chat and not contribute, that’s fine, everyone is welcome. Well that’s not quite the case, Techo, his partner in crime Krimstie Goguen Adams and also admins of THI, those criminals are not welcome, we’ve all had enough of their bullshit for one lifetime.

Link to THI BUBBA Facebook group below



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01 de jun. de 2019

The 05/30/2019 THI show is full of some pretty worrisome things. The top of the list is support of what TW means by "Think Different." According to TW, thinking does not include asking questions or verifying facts and sources. I don't know about you, but I REALLY do NOT want to take part in any form of this type of thinking. If his listeners are supposed to think and then are chastised for actually doing some REAL critical thinking (not his twisted version of "don't ask, don't tell"). This is classic cult indoctrination, not to mention classic abuser language. Second is the blatant example of the piss poor researcher skills this man spews out. Cross-wired and innuendo driven loose dot…


17 de mai. de 2019

Kimberly Goguen + Tommy Williams are criminals. Here is the mugshot of Nagy Shehata, another BIG mouth criminal exposed by until he was arrested by the USA FBI. With 100% certainty, KG + TW will be arrested + you will see their mugshots, too.

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