So the confidence trickster masquerading as head of the financial trusts has had to move on and find herself another con artist to work with. Stefan Rowe (her beau and partner in crime for the last 12 months) has split with Kim and they have headed in different directions, while still continuing their grifting and scams.
We've seen this before when she split with "small time cult leader" Thomas Williams. She claimed he wanted to have sex with her, and she refused.
So, what has happened between Tank and Kim? Did they have a lovers tiff? Did Tank refuse to do the laundry while Kim was fed up of picking his soiled pants up from the bedroom floor?
Who knows. But one thing is for sure, none of these people can manage to put their differences aside and "save the planet" by releasing the trillions of dollars they apparently have access to. Oh no. All they manage to do is set up websites and charge for membership so you can view amateurish 'green screen' videos of them spewing their ridiculous, unprovable claims.
Thomas has decided to close hisTruth Honor and Integrity Facebook group amid claims of being sick of being targeted by the likes of Blackrock, CIA, FBI etc etc (the list goes on). He's obviously decided to follow the lead of con-woman Kim and set up an enclosed website so that they can brainwash their followers even more and rinse them of their funds in private.
People constantly ask Team Bubba to show absolute proof of their crimes. They demand we should prove that Kim isn't who she says she is.
Surely ths is the wrong way round?
Shouldn't the woman who claims to have Eve's DNA, contact with aliens and access to Trillions of Dollars/Pounds/Yen with which she can, at any time, relieve the world population of debt imposed by tyranical leaders, prove to US & YOU that they are exactly who they say they are?