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It's All The Same....No Matter How You Dress It Up

Writer's picture: Barry BiggumBarry Biggum

The way these people try and scam people sickens me. Not only are they attempting to defraud the system for personal gain, they are also taking innocent peoples hard earned money, and making fools out of them.

The worst thing is that those innocent people don't see what's going on. No matter how much they have it explained to them that they're being taken for a ride, the barriers come up and they will defend their 'leader' like a god.

These 3 trusts/scams/entities are all the same thing. Everytime one head is cut off and exposed, another one that looks slightly different but is really the same thing.

We need to cut off ALL 3 heads of the hydra and be done with them once and for all!!!


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