Since Kim is the purest of human specimens that garnered her being selected as trustee and claims to have scanned the genetics of every human (and other beings on the planet and beyond) to determine their worthiness of and intention toward the common Manna good, how is it the alleged ploys of their own members continue to be overlooked?
Resulting in having to publicly humiliate them and rally the vultures in for the cleanup?
With all of that power at their command, why do they never see it coming?
And when something goes amiss it always seems to be someone else's fault, or worse yet, their being influenced by some demonic and nefarious something or other?
If their tech, intel, and research skills are so flawless why are there so many holes in the fabric of their narrative and unsubstantiated slander of anyone who doesn't buy into their shit?
Or at the very least rightfully questions it?
Why do all of these "exposures" and "outings" of scheming divisions and poor misguided members all follow the same pattern of set up and false accusations?
Could it possibly be that the group is rotted at its own core, and not the banished victims' fault at all?
Feel free to challenge us on the points raised in the comments below for all to see. We DO NOT censor ANY comments.
IN A SONG, HERE is what Manna conman Techo Tommy Williams is going to do MENTALLY + FINANCIALLY to EVERY THI MEMBER.....
Spread it far and wide:
In lieu of all of the senseless carnage inflicted by the likes of Thomas Williams of THI. I know how you love using music to get a point across. Well...this one's for you Tommy. via @YouTube
Actively seeking to infest all.
OCG = organized crime group